加拿大威爾士高中Wales College Secondary School 收費細則和学费政策 Fees and Fee Policies:
收費標准 Fees:
All new students will need to pay a one-time, non-refundable Application Fee of $350.00 (International Students) or $250.00 (Local Students). All prices are quoted in Canadian funds. 所有新注冊學生一次性繳納350(国际留学生)或250(本地学生)加幣申請費,此費用不可退回。
Tuition Fees/course: Tuition fees are subject to change without notice. Please consult Wales College S.S. at 416-299-9966 or info@walescollege.ca.最新2020/2021学年学费请咨询威尔士高中(Wales College) 416-299-9966或email: info@walescollege.ca.
最新加拿大名校(多伦多大学等)保证班请email: info@walescollege.ca 索取最新2020/2021招生简章及价格.
Policies 学費政策:
1. All tuition and other fees should be paid in full before the start of the semester. 所有學費及其他費用必须在每個學期開始前繳納完畢。
2. The Application Fee and Tuition Fee must be submitted with the Application Form. The Application Fee is non-refundable. Fees must be paid in full by cheque, cash or bank draft, VISA or MasterCard. Cheques and money orders should be made payable to: Wales College. 所有申請費及學費必须和申請表一同提交。我校接受的支付方式:銀行卡(Debit Card);信用卡(VISA / MasterCard); 及以Wales College 为收款人的銀行個人支票,银行本票(Money Order/Bank Draft)及银行汇款(Wire Payment)。
3. There will be a $50 charge for Not Sufficient Funds (NSF) cheques. The school will accept cash only for any school fees from a student with a history of paying with NSF cheques. 以支票支付的學生要保證支票的可兌換性,凡是提交不能兌現支票將會有50加幣罰金。除了現金,學校不接受任何有此曆史學生的支票,
4. Fees are not transferable under any conditions. All tuition fees must be used up in the stated academic year(s) according to the school’s invoice, Letter of Acceptance, or Conditional Letter of Acceptance; and any application for special consideration must be submitted 3 months in advance and obtain the school’s approval. 在任何情況下學費不能轉讓給他人,不能轉作他用,所有學費将按照缴费情况于当学年用完,特殊情况需提前3个月提交申请并获得学校批准。
5. The student is required to purchase the necessary textbooks and other materials for each course. All tuition fees do not include supplementary tuition fees, tutoring fees, extracurricular activity fees and other expenses. 教科書學生自行購買,學費內不含。所有学费均不包含补课费,辅导费,课外活动费等其他费用。
6. The student is expected to maintain a good attendance record and participate in class for 110 hours in order to acquire a credit. If he/she misses four classes, he/she may be demitted the class. If this were to occur, there would be no refund of any tuition fees paid. 學生應保持良好出勤記錄,一門學分課程應有110小時上課記錄。如果缺勤4節課,則記該生自動罷免這門課。如有此情況發生,學費及其他費用不退。
7. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. 学费价格或我校接收的学费支付方式如有變動,以學校最終解釋爲准,恕不另行通知。
Refund Policy for International Student Applicants Outside Canada: 退費政策 ― 在加拿大之外申请簽證之國際留學生:
1. Before enrollment, if the student visa is rejected, the student will contact the Wales College Secondary School with the original letter of rejection to apply for a refund. 学生在入学登记前,如果留学签证被拒, 学生持拒签信原件联系加拿大威尔士高中申请退费。
2. If the student has registered for the school’s courses (including regular courses, evening courses, summer courses, and online courses), the tuition and application fees are non-refundable. 如果学生已登记注册威尔士高中的课程(包括常规课程,夜间课程,暑假课程,在线课程), 学费及申请费不可退。
3. If a student is granted a student visa and decides not to study at the school including not studying the school’s online courses, there will be no refund under any conditions. 如果学生已获得有效的留学生签证但决定不在威尔士高中就读(包括不注册威尔士高中在线课程),则学费及申请费不可退。
4. Students can apply for deferring their enrollment to the next semester for free (Wales College Secondary School’s school year includes at least 4 semesters: September-December/January-March/April-June/July and August summer semester). If the student continues to defer to another semester, the school will deduct a $2000 from the tuition paid by the student for every semester the student defers; when the student applies for enrollment after the postponements, the student must pay the difference between the remaining tuition fee and the current tuition fee. 学生可以申请延期到下一学期(加拿大威尔士高中一学年最少包括4个学期:9-12月/1-3月/4-6月/暑假7、8月),学生免费延期一个学期之后,每继续延期一个学期,威尔士高中将从学生所付学费中扣除$2000;学生延期后申请入学时,学生需付清所余已付学费和现在学费之间的差额。
Refund Policy for Students Within Canada: Tuition fees are non-refundable under any conditions. 退費政策 ― 加拿大境内學生:学费在任何情况下不可退回。
加拿大威尔士高中 Wales College Secondary School